Tecnomaco’s mission has always been to design effective, innovative and customisable solutions. We do this through a very simple strategy, which combines technical expertise with total attention to the customer. Thanks to this approach, our products have continued to travel all over the world, even during the pandemic.
In an interview with Tommaso Serafini, Tecnomaco sales area manager, we talk about how we have experienced these long months which, despite the distances involved, have given us new customers and a new sales record.
How has your relationship with your customers changed over the last year?
Before the pandemic, we were used to travelling all over the world and receiving many customers here in our company. At first we were afraid of losing track of them and did everything we could to preserve these relationships. In fact, we soon realised that the pharmaceutical sector was one of the few that had not been affected by the crisis. On the contrary, many customers found themselves in need of new machines and increased production.
Are we talking about existing customers or new customers?
With existing customers, a relationship of trust had already been established. It was natural for them to put their trust in a supplier who had already proven to be competent and capable in the past. But we also met a lot of new customers, with whom we had constant interaction via the various platforms (Skype, Zoom, etc.). Today, each of us manages at least 4/5 remote meetings every day, but thanks to these new communication tools, it’s like sitting at the same table.
Do customers feel cared for and reassured from a distance?
Yes, because we involve them in every step of the process. During meetings, we often bring the tablet into the workshop to show customers, in real time, the various stages of the machine’s manufacture.
Does your experience allow you to understand the customer’s needs even without an on-site visit?
The customer is not always able to explain exactly what his needs are. The advantage of Tecnomaco, however, is that we maintain a close relationship between the sales department and the production department, which is right next door to our offices. So we are always aware of the customer’s possible problems and the different solutions we can propose. The customers feel this, even in the video conference. When they talk to us they know that they are dealing with someone who understands their needs perfectly.
What are the best-selling machines at the moment?
There is a great diversification of products, geographically. Outside Europe we sell a lot of blister machines and liquid filling and capping machines.
In the last year we have also increased sales in Italy, which is the leading country in Europe for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical production. In Europe, in general, the counting sector (tablets, capsules, bottles) has grown a lot since the start of the pandemic. In this field, among other things, we have a product with extremely innovative features, which allows us to be competitive and to position ourselves at a high level in the market.
What features does the Tecnomaco counting machine have?
The machine is the result of a partnership with an Israeli company, of which we are exclusive partners for Europe, Latin America and other countries. It has a camera system, which makes it possible to process images in real time and, therefore, to have a 100% accurate counting system. It is having a huge success, because even our biggest and most renowned competitors only use counting systems with sensors, so they cannot guarantee 100% reliability and accuracy.
As far as post-production aspects are concerned, what has changed for Tecnomaco in recent months?
On the service side, nothing. As in the past, we access our machines remotely, providing effective and timely assistance. What has changed is that remote testing has increased and, for the first time, we have introduced the possibility of carrying out guided remote installations.
How is remote testing carried out?
As we have many customers abroad, we did a lot of remote testing even before the pandemic. We implemented this established methodology in a very simple way. We set up a camera system, thanks to which the customer is connected with us in real time and has the possibility of observing the machine from different points of view. For the rest, testing is carried out in exactly the same way as in the field: there is a constant dialogue with the customer, the machines are tested with his products and the appropriate validation documentation is issued.
What happens during installation?
If the conditions allow it, we send our technicians on site. But we have also done remote installations, which have been very useful for the customer. When we send our technicians, the operators of the company buying the machine feel somewhat relieved of their responsibility. When they are the ones who have to carry out the installation, guided remotely, the learning outcome is much better.
Can we say that, despite the pandemic, Tecnomaco has managed to overcome the distances?
Definitely, yes. This is confirmed by the fact that in the two-year period 2020-2021 we had a real sales record.